Bismarck, ND - eCatholic announces its partnership with FOCUS and Fathom Events on behalf of the upcoming documentary film Radiating Joy: The Michelle Duppong Story set to be released in theaters nationwide on November 12. Watch the trailer here.
Radiating Joy is a new documentary about Servant of God Michelle Christine Duppong whose life bore witness to heroic Christian suffering and displays her passion to invite others to be transformed by the love of Christ. eCatholic is a nationally known Church engagement & communication company that works with thousands of Catholic parishes and dioceses around the United States. Two of its employees were friends and colleagues of Duppong and eCatholic hopes to inspire their network of influence toward her life and witness as an example of authentic holiness in today’s contemporary world.
“Her life communicated love,” said Abbey Nagel from eCatholic. “I knew Michelle when she was a missionary on my campus and later I worked with her when I was assistant to the local bishop at the Diocese of Bismarck. She was an intentional and faithful friend and always made time for those that God placed in her path. I am deeply moved by her life and witness and I believe the upcoming film about her will show the Church how to be holy in ordinary life.”
eCatholic’s employees recalled Michelle Duppong’s zeal and hope that fire will inspire many in the Church today. On December 29, 2014, Michelle was unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer while serving as the Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Diocese of Bismarck. Before that Duppong served as a FOCUS missionary for six years. She passed away at the age of 31. Subsequently, Bishop David Kagan, Diocese of Bismarck, North Dakota announced the opening of the investigation of the cause for canonization. The documentary film, produced by FOCUS explores the life of Michelle Duppong and her heroic Christian witness.
“One thing I remember and admire about Michelle is her boldness and thirst for souls,” said Matthew Kurtz, eCatholic product manager. “She was remarkably intentional with her words, her actions, and her invitations. While we worked together at the Diocese of. Bismarck, every day she would invite me to join her to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 pm. She was always so ‘locked in’ during prayer, clearly drawing directly from channels of divine grace. To think that a couple of us here at eCatholic had the incredible blessing of knowing, working with, and praying with Michelle is a beautiful reminder that sanctity is attainable for all of us. We can all build a relationship with Christ as intimately as Michelle did, and we, too, can inspire others with our words, actions, and outreach.”
eCatholic is poised to support FOCUS and Fathom Events in the pre-promotion of the upcoming documentary. Recently eCatholic’s director of marketing Michael Josephs hosted a webinar for the parishes it reaches across the United States. Watch the conversation about the film here.
For more information about eCatholic’s connection to Servant of God Michelle Duppong, please contact Alexis Walkenstein or Christin Jezak at AWE PR via [email protected].
For more information about Radiating Joy visit and