Get the resources you need to create a strategy that will bring you more signups and better online giving adoption rates. Here are five steps to get started!
Your new online giving service needs a homebase to provide answers to common questions and promote the general idea of giving. Get started with a website page that introduces the ease and efficiency of online giving, and make sure it contains your general donation form directly on the page. Include links to other giving opportunities as well as complete donor FAQs.
For a finishing touch, assign the landing page a simple alias like to easily promote the page in all your communication materials.
How to build a beautiful landing page - Tell your eCatholic Evangelist you’d like our team to create an online giving landing page on your site. We've also posted examples of an effective online giving landing page in our Help Center if you'd like to do it yourself!
Don’t just flip the switch to make online giving available and then hope people find it. Instead, celebrate this opportunity by creating messaging around a specific date or event where you will have captive audiences to hear your message (as well as volunteers standing by to answer questions and help people get started). Consider choosing:
To maximize the impact, select an occasion where you have the opportunity to make announcements, hand out written information, hang posters, and offer a booth where staff/volunteers can answer additional questions.
Looking for user-friendly, affordable online giving software? eCatholic Payments provides one-time and recurring donations as well as online payments for event registrations, sign-ups, school tuition, and more!
Create some exciting buzz around your new donations and payments service prior to the “main event.” Start first with courtesy communication to those who might be mostly impacted or interested in the service. Then, begin placing materials and updating current parish resources.
How to write an email to promote online giving - We've posted some suggestions (as well as a complete draft of an online giving email) in the eCatholic Help Center!
When the big date/event comes, be sure to create excitement and opportunities for people to engage and get information.
Download customizable online giving offertory cards - Check out our online giving offertory card template. Before you print and distribute the cards, you can even customize them with your parish name!
Keep the excitement brewing after your main celebration by creating a strategy for ongoing communication to parishioners. Create a schedule of different ways you can continue to spread the word about online giving over time.
How to create helpful online giving FAQs - We've posted several of the most common online giving questions in the eCatholic Help Center. These FAQs are perfect for a direct mail piece, brochure, or a FAQ page on your website.
Once approximately six weeks have passed since your launch event, you can reduce the frequency of direct communication about your new service. However, soft promotions of your online giving service should be ongoing.
For example, keep a giving/donate link visible on your homepage and include a mention of your online giving service wherever parish resources are regularly promoted. Then, be sure to identify potential opportunities to subtly advertise online giving throughout the year. Occasions could include: