Common questions (and answers) about eCatholic Stock Photos
An eCatholic Stock Photos subscription comes with every eCatholic website subscription and Bundle. A Stock Photos subscription allows:
As a result, an eCatholic Stock Photos subscription grants you a license to add unlimited images to your website to create a beautiful, attractive online presence. However, these photos cannot be downloaded for non-website use (e.g., print materials, parish bulletin, social media) without purchasing a digital download license (an additional $0.99/image for eCatholic Stock Photos subscribers).
If you currently use an eCatholic website, and would like to add Stock Photos, please reach out to our team to learn how.No. An eCatholic Stock Photos subscription is built as a seamless integration with eCatholic-powered websites only. If your website is not powered by eCatholic, you may purchase à la carte digital downloads for $5/image. The download will grant you a license to use the images however you'd like (i.e., web, print, and social media use).
An eCatholic Stock Photos subscription grants you a license to add unlimited images to your website, but does not offer free/unlimited high-resolution digital image downloads. To get high-resolution digital downloads, you can browse our photo library, then purchase your favorite images à la carte. The cost for high-resolution digital downloads is as follows:
No! Your eCatholic Stock Photos subscription provides unlimited access to add eCatholic Stock Photos from our library to your eCatholic website. Go ahead and add as many as you'd like!
You must maintain your eCatholic Stock Photos monthly subscription as long as you continue using the images on your website. If you cancel, you'll need to remove any eCatholic Stock Photos from your site.
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If you're all set, start using eCatholic Stock Photos today!